Christian Science Society, Salisbury

110 N. Division Street, Salisbury, Maryland 21801
Phone: 410-742-6253

The Society and public Reading Room is located at 110 N. Division St. in the Masonic building just across from the court house., (see map).

The one hour Sunday morning Christian Science services (and Sunday School) are held at 10:30 AM. 

Wednesday Testimony Meetings are not being held at this time.

You can listen live to our Sunday Service every Sunday, from 10:30 - 11:30 AM, by calling 443-358-0467 and use PIN 5804. If you want to not have to enter the PIN number because you are regularly or even occasionally listening, please contact the Salisbury Reading Room attendant and leave the phone number (or numbers) you will be using to call from, to listen to our Sunday services. We will erase the PIN requirement for your phone number(s) .

The Reading Room is open Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM, except holidays. 

Parking is available at the meters on the street and in the nearby public lots.  Everyone is welcome to come in to study, read or pray.

Please call 410-742-6253 for further information about the Society or Reading Room. A message may be left on the answering machine 24 hr/day.  

You may also reach us by e-mail.


Map to Society and Reading Room

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